Gendering in the application

Do you now also have to pay attention to gender in the application? The simple answer here is YES! Even though gender is a very emotionally charged topic for most people, don't let it influence you when writing an application! Because what matters here is the company's views and philosophy and not your personal opinion. This may sound harsh at first, but if in doubt, it significantly increases your chances of being invited to an interview or of getting a job. In this article you will find out how to filter out whether a company values ​​gender in general and how to perfect gender in your application.

When is gender important in the application?

To gender or not to gender in the application, that is the question. And this question is easier to answer than you might think. There are some indicators that tell you whether it makes sense to include gender in your application or not. This only requires a tiny bit of research. The best way to do this is to proceed systematically according to the following points:

1. Read the job advertisement carefully

Take a close look at the company's job advertisement. How is it formulated? Is it obviously being gendered, is gender being circumvented through other wording, or is it not being gendered at all and only the generic masculine is used? This information will give you initial clues as to whether you should consider gender in your application. However, if the job advertisement is worded neutrally, then points 2 and 3 can provide you with further information. Just because there was no gender in a job advertisement doesn't mean that the company doesn't value it or considers it positive if you gender in your application.

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2. Analyze the company's online presence

Take a close look at the company's website. The best place to start is on the home page. How are the texts worded? Is it obviously gendered, worded neutrally, or is the generic masculine used? If the homepage doesn't give you an accurate impression, or you're not sure, it's always worth taking a look at the "About Us" page. Most companies have a page in this section to tell potential customers and employees a little about themselves. In addition to the question of gender, you will also find useful information about the company here. These can be used excellently for writing applications and preparing for an interview. If you are lucky enough that the company publishes blog posts on their site, then be sure to take a look here too. Based on the language style on these pages, you can determine whether gendering in the application is worthwhile and how formal the company's language style is. If you follow this approach, you can't go wrong with your application style.

This is how you get any job

3. What type of company is it?

In general, when writing an application, always ask yourself what type of company it is. Is it a young start-up company or a long-established company that seems more traditional? Which industry it is can also be crucial here. Professions in which a more formal tone is maintained with customers, clients or clients do not tend to be on first name terms or gender. These include, for example, most law firms, such as tax or law firms, but also undertakers. If the company's website does not show anything to the contrary, gendering in the application is not recommended. In a young-looking start-up that is already on first name terms with the supposed customers on its website, you should take a closer look at whether gendering is actively practiced or whether a neutral wording is simply used.

Take your time to do your research! If you misjudge a company regarding gender in the application, this could potentially lead to your application being excluded and you missing the chance for an interview!

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Gendering in the application, how does it work?

Gender asterisk, or internal I?

After successfully analyzing the entrepreneur's homepage and the job advertisement, you have determined that the gender in the application could be an advantage for you. But now you are faced with the problem of how to change correctly. Does it mean employees, employees, or employees? First of all, don't panic, even if there are a lot of confusing special characters! First of all, you should always make sure that you stick to the rules of German grammar. Even if gendering is not yet an official part of it. Don't do any experiments here, because the principle that applies to applications is that they must be error-free!

How to check gender in your application

But how do you check your gendered words for accuracy? Simply ask yourself whether the word still makes sense in this sentence and context if you leave out the opposite part. For example, if you leave out the *inside in the opposite sentence part “To all employees:”, then the word employee remains, which is grammatically correct in this short sentence. Above all, make sure you choose the right item! You can also find a short guide to gendering here Article from Bielefeld University. If you are still unsure whether the way you have gendered is correct, then it is better to use one of the following alternatives.

Alternative to gendering in the application


When softgendering, you consciously avoid using gender in one word and instead use several words for the two genders. An example of this would be that they write “colleagues”. This way you can avoid the annoying gender symbols, but not the gender in the application itself, and are on the safe side. However, you should make sure that your text does not become too long or unreadable. Use this method carefully and only in sensible or obvious places.

Neutral solutions for gender in applications

Would you like to avoid gendering in your application, but don't want to use the generic masculine? Then switch to neutral terms. For example, instead of “colleagues” write the word “team”. This way you remain neutral in your expression. However, this method requires a little creativity and is unfortunately not applicable for some terms, as there is not a neutral solution for all words that need to be gendered. Also make sure that the terms you choose do not sound too informal! If this is the case, try rephrasing the sentence or omit it.

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Go safe!

As you can see, gendering in the application is far from standard and requires a little research and linguistic sensitivity. Apart from that, you should ask yourself whether you can cope with the philosophy of a company that changes everywhere as an employee. If the sight of a gender asterisk still gives you a headache, you must be aware that this will be part of your everyday working life in such a company. Make a realistic decision here!

Tip: Always leave your application by at least Proofread by one person, ideally with the corresponding job advertisement.

Our application service

If you are unsure or do not want to write a gendered application yourself, then use our application service. We write your stylishly gendered application to youOr check your already written application happy for you!

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